Friday, April 4, 2008

Last Post

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?* I liked most all of them, especially wikis and Youtube. I really like the awards list, and will continue to explore and discover the tools and features therein.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?* Brought me up to speed on what the current trends are in communication, social networking, etc. Makes me want to learn more.

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?* I had high expectations for the program, and I am pleased to say that it met them. Of course, there were things I learned that were unexpected; they are legion.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?And last but not least…* Well, I know that most of the folks who participated were either rushed to complete the components, if they were even able to; myself included. At the same time, I'm glad that the pressure is off now (almost), and that I'll have more time to assume my other duties.

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again choose to participate? Absolutely!


is one of those technologies that would be cool if I had more time for it. I love the idea, but never really found time to either listen or create them. I guess in the right setting, like the way Helen Blowers used it for 2.0 works great; but I doubt I'll be subscribing to any in the near future.
I can see that it also works well for listening to things that I may have missed, like NPR shows. I found some interesting ones on that website, e.g. "What would Rob do?" How apt.


I was lucky enough to have Sara present an Overdrive training for us last week, so I got a pretty thorough look into Overdrive. Yes, this is the way of the future. It's very convenient and, even if the titles are currently limited, there's still some great content on there; and it won't be long before you can download or stream most anything you want.
Besides some popular titles we saw interesting IMAX documentaries and cool vintage cartoons. The area that appears most limited to me at this juncture is music.
Wait and see...

The Old Grey Whistle Test

I love You Tube. It's amazing all the great stuff you can watch for free! This site, for me, shows the freedom and immediate power of the internet. You Tube is so addictive that once I start watching I inevitably lose 3 or 4 hours without noticing. I can't think of anything critical to say about it.

I chose this video entitled "Keith Richards interview from 1974" because I just love Keith's persona and vulnerablity here. You gotta see this. It's from a British tv show called "The Old Grey Whistle Test" Now I will try to embed it here within...